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You are here Home Funeral Home Order for transportation of the deceased

Transporting the deceased

We provide transport of the deceased throughout the Czech Republic and abroad
NONSTOP 365 days

Order transport of the deceased

Transporting the deceased

ELPIS Funeral Directors offer an uninterrupted twenty-four-hour service, seven days a week. For the transportation of the deceased they make use exclusively of their own hearses and other funeral vehicles intended for this purpose.

We transfer to our own refrigeration facility or to one in a morgue for post-mortems

  • From medical facilities, retirement homes, hospices, day-care centres, etc.
  • In the case of death at home / outside it

Range of our services

  • Transfers within the Czech Republic 
  • International transfers within the European Union as well as the rest of the world (by air). More information on Repatriation of the deceased

 Order transport of the deceased

Order transport of the deceased

Do not hesitate to contact us at any time

We provide transport of the deceased throughout the Czech Republic and beyond, 365 days / 24 hours, in accordance with Act 256/2001 Coll., on Funeral Services.

We have been providing these services at a high and ethical level since 1990.
