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You are here Home Funerals Funeral services Transporting the deceased

Transporting the deceased

We provide transport of the deceased throughout the Czech Republic and abroad
NONSTOP 365 days

Order transport of the deceased

Transporting the deceased

ELPIS Funeral Directors offer an uninterrupted twenty-four-hour service, seven days a week. For the transportation of the deceased they make use exclusively of their own hearses and other funeral vehicles intended for this purpose.

We transfer to our own refrigeration facility or to one in a morgue for post-mortems

  • From medical facilities, retirement homes, hospices, day-care centres, etc.
  • In the case of death at home / outside it

Range of our services

  • Transfers within the Czech Republic 
  • International transfers within the European Union as well as the rest of the world (by air). More information on Repatriation of the deceased

Order transport of the deceased

Do not hesitate to contact us at any time

Transport vehicles of ELPIS Funeral Directors

These are funeral vehicles certified in accordance with the Act for Undertaking Services for the carriage of the deceased in the event of their death occuring in medical and social facilities, hospices, homes or retirement homes in Prague and throughout the Czech Republic.

Modern Ford Transit, Fiat Ducato and Hyundai vehicles belong to this category.

Representative vehicles in the service of ELPIS Funeral Directors

These are all vehicles of the highest category. High-quality hearses are most often used during mourning processions, repatriation (transporting to/from abroad), for VIP funerals and at the specific request of the customer. We accompany funeral processions with these vehicles (in a cortège), i.e. the accompaniment of the deceased by a hearse on foot or in vehicles to the place of interment.

This category includes the latest models of Mercedes-Benz, Lincoln and Ford Transit vehicles.

We also hire our hearses for transfers, funerals and funeral cortèges outside Prague. You may order these when arranging a funeral in our offices.

These vehicles may be hired even in the case that you have not ordered the funeral through us. Contact us by telephone on 00420 602 200 700 or send us an email to the following address dispecink@elpis.cz


At the customer’s request ELPIS Funeral Directors will also arrange funerals where the deceased are taken to their final resting place by carriage in a procession (cortège). This is usually from a church or ceremony hall to the cemetery.
