Offer of ceremonial rooms
Large Prague Ceremonial Halls
Traditional Ceremonial Halls in Prague - Funeral Ceremonies in the Classical Concept
Smaller ceremonial halls and chapels
Vinohrady Ceremonial
Hall Vinohrady Cemetery
Vinohradská 294, Prague 10
Saint Wenceslas Chapel
Vinohrady Cemetery
Vinohradská ulice 212, Prague 10
New Chapel in Ďáblice Cemetery
Ďáblická 564/2a, Prague 8
Chapel in Ďáblice Cemetery
Ďáblická 564/2a, Prague 8
Family Small hapel ELPIS in Kostelec nad Labem
Brandýská 1143, Kostelec nad Labem
Neratovice – Lobkovice Ceremony Room
Kostelecká 74/15, Neratovice - Lobkovice
Mělník – Chloumek Ceremony Room
Lesní 1656, Mělník - Chloumek
Church of Saint Giles
Husova 228/17, Prague Old Town ( Staré Město )